Conducting a biopsy

under ultrasound control
Biopsy - taking samples of human tissues and cells for subsequent diagnosis in case of suspected cancer.

It allows you to accurately visualize the pathological neoplasm, as well as the blood flow around it and, under ultrasound control, safely take a tissue sample with a special needle and at the same time almost painlessly.

The ultrasound system "SmartScan" allows you to perform a biopsy in any aseptic conditions, including in small operating rooms with the use of special ultrasound attachments that allow you to position the needle at the right angle for better visibility under the control of ultrasound images.

With the help of a biopsy, it is possible to determine the goodness or malignancy of a neoplasm, distinguish inflammation from an abscess, as well as choose the most effective method of treating the detected pathology, justify the need or uselessness of surgery.

Features of conducting a biopsy under ultrasound control:


Due to the control of the procedure with the help of ultrasound guidance, the specialist conducting the manipulation takes the material exactly from the desired area.
This is especially valuable in cases where pathological foci have a heterogeneous structure or are located deep inside the body.
Minimally invasive procedure under ultrasound control guarantees minimal risk of damage to nerves or blood vessels, reduces the likelihood of complications, severe pain or dysfunction of internal organs.

Ultrasound control during a biopsy accelerates the process of searching for a suspicious area inside the organ and taking material from it.

As a result, the biopsy time is reduced to 15-25 minutes.

Conducting a biopsy under the supervision of ultrasound system "Smart Scan":
  • mammary glands;
  • ovaries;
  • thyroid gland;
  • prostate gland;
  • pancreas;
  • soft tissue;
  • lymph nodes;
  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • kidneys;
  • pelvic organs;
  • organs and tissues of the retroperitoneal space.